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Lyme Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is an infection that a tick infected with a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi is transmitted by the bite. Usually bite of infected animals, like deer and mice get bacteria from ticks. Most people who get a tick bite do not get Lyme disease. Not all ticks are infected and at risk for contracting the disease increases the longer the tick is attached to the body.

Symptoms: Early stage

Bitten by an infected tick, within one to four weeks of being, most people will experience some symptoms of Lyme disease. Cutting at the site, expanding circular rash (called erythema migraine) developed in about 70% -80% of cases. At this stage some people report flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, headache, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain, muscle pain and so on.

Symptoms: As the infection spreads

If the disease is not detected and treated in its early stages, it (several weeks to months after the initial cut after) can extend to more areas of the body, joints, heart, and nervous system . Can also cause rashes, pain and weakness in the hands or feet may be intermittent period. Facial-muscle paralysis (Bell's palsy), headaches, poor memory and other symptoms at this stage, a rapid heartbeat and facial muscles are accompanied with some loss of control.

Characteristics: late-stage disease

This is the most serious stage of the disease when treatment is either successful or never initiated (usually occurring several months after the initial bite). Joint inflammation (arthritis), usually in the knees, to be clear, and may be chronic. Nervous system, peripheral nerves (peripheral neuropathy), and abnormal sensation of confusion caused by the disease can develop. Heart problems are less common, but inflammation of the heart muscle and can include an irregular heartbeat.

All Ticks transmit Lyme disease is?

No. northeastern and north-central United States, the black-legged tick (or deer tick) and transmits Lyme disease. In the US Pacific coast, the western black-legged tick disease is spreading. American dog tick and the lone star tick, including other major tick species found in, not to transmit Lyme disease bacteria have been shown. But be careful: Lyme disease, as well as Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia and South America, as reported in all 50 states have went.

How Lyme disease is not transmitted

You by being around an infected person can not catch Lyme disease. And although you can not be infected by a tick, they can not transmit the disease to humans unless an infected tick animal stops and then bites a person. The mosquitoes, flies, worms, or fleas can spread to humans either disease. That only infected ticks respected.

Lyme disease diagnosis

Doctors with a history of symptoms, such as a "bull's-eye" rash healing through physical findings can. But everyone is excited, and not everyone can remember being bitten. Special blood tests to confirm the diagnosis after suspected contact can be taken three to four weeks. Such a spinal tap or other tests such as skin biopsy, diagnosis or rule out other conditions that can be done to help.

Lyme disease treatment

Most Lyme disease is curable with antibiotics, especially when infection is diagnosed and treated early. Long-term subs, intravenous antibiotics may be required.

There is a Lyme disease vaccine?

Currently, there is no human vaccine for Lyme disease. A vaccine for use in high-risk areas was developed years ago, but it is no longer available.

Illustrated here: Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria.

Lyme Disease Prevention

Tick ​​bites when grass or wooded areas, especially from May to July to avoid possible stay clear of. Tick-infested areas when possible to enter your body from head to toe cover. Directly to your skin, apply a DEET-containing insect repellent. Insect repellents containing permethrin kill ticks on contact, but never applied to the skin can be applied to clothing. When the road coming from your body well for ticks inspected; Do the same for pets. Any tick that are only loosely connected to knock Wash your skin and scalp.

How to remove a tick

You have a tick, it is important to remove it properly. Use fine-tipped tweezers, grasp the tick that part closest to your skin - you are the head, not the stomach to grab. Slowly pull the tick straight out, without twisting it. Wash the bite site with soap and warm water. Throw the dead tick in the trash. In an effort to remove a tick, a lit match, nail polish, petroleum jelly, or other topical agents do not use.

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